The references are in an email that was just made public. It was reported to a
national organization that exposes parent concerns in schools.
The email is a reply that was sent last year to the infamous Natalie Fallert email that made national news.
In the email, the associate principal writes, "I just want to go on record with you and Shelley that I am disheartened at the amount of power we are giving this group of misinformed, close-minded parents."
And, "The fact that our teachers cannot use the word "privilege" brings tears to my eyes..."
Not everyone feels the same. Rockwood teachers who are uncomfortable with that topic leaked screenshots of professional development from last week that focused on groups that have "privilege," such as young, white, christian males.
Here's more from the reply email that was just reported:
Fallert's initial email was sent to tell teachers how to change wording and remove lesson content from Canvas, Rockwood's online learning platform, so parents who were questioning the lesson content could no longer see it. The content included anti-police themes, references to power systems like racism, privilege, and, gender topics.
Those links above will take you to posts on this blog that explain the lesson content parents were questioning.
This particular reply is among roughly a dozen replies to Fallert's email, which was sent to 200+ teachers and principals.
The reply was discovered in a records request and reported by a "concerned citizen." The records request showed none of the replies said it was a bad idea to hide lesson content from parents. Some replies included thank you sentiments to Fallert for the advice on how to manage the lesson content.
The organization where this reply email was reported is called Parents Defending Education.
We have reached out to both the principal and Rockwood's superintendent for a response.
More on Parents Defending Education:
It's "a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting indoctrination in the classroom — and promoting the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids."